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Eligible Beneficiaries

Eligible beneficiaries refer to Hong Kong professionals from eligible professional services sectors who have participated in eligible PSP activities.

Eligible professional services sectors


Eligible Applicants

Applications for the PSP subsidy should be submitted by Hong Kong major professional bodies from the relevant sectors on behalf of Hong Kong professionals participating in eligible activities.

Hong Kong major professional bodies applying for the PSP subsidy must be non-profit- distributing in nature and must either be statutory organisations or organisations formed or registered under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

A non-profit-distributing organisation is defined as an organisation which does not distribute profits to its directors, members, shareholders, employees or any other persons. An Applicant for the PSP subsidy (i.e. Hong Kong major professional body) is required to declare that it has not distributed any profits generated by the Applicant to any of its directors, members, shareholders, employees or any other persons in the past and will not do so in future.

If Hong Kong professional bodies from eligible professional services sectors under PASS are interested in becoming the PSP applicants (i.e. Hong Kong major professional bodies), they may contact the PASS Secretariat direct. The PASS Secretariat will consider such requests in consultation with relevant bureaux/departments in ascertaining that such bodies are capable of confirming the professional status of individual participants; and arranging proper disbursement of the PSP subsidy to eligible participating professionals.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities under PSP refer to non-profit-making exchange, promotion and professional standard enhancement activities organised by the Government and HKTDC. The activities should aim at encouraging Hong Kong professional services sectors to step up promotion of Hong Kong’s competitive edges and professional services to the Mainland and overseas markets after the pandemic stabilised.