Application Procedures
Eligible Beneficiaries
A Hong Kong professional from the eligible professional services sector sector who has participated in the PSP activity should fill in an individual request form and submit it to the relevant Hong Kong major professional body of the activity concerned together with relevant supporting documents after completion of the activity. Please refer to the details of each activity under List of Activities for information on "Potential PSP Applicant".
Eligible Applicants
An Applicant for the PSP subsidy (Hong Kong major professional body) should submit a duly completed, signed and stamped application form (with undertaking), individual request forms duly completed and signed by eligible participating professionals together with relevant supporting documents to the PASS Secretariat.
The Applicant will be required to:- (a)confirm that the participants concerned are Hong Kong professionals from the eligible professional services sectors under PASS during the full period of the activity concerned (e.g. with reference to the individuals’ relevant professional qualifications and whether they are engaged in the relevant professional services in Hong Kong); and
- (b)undertake to arrange proper disbursement of the PSP subsidy to the eligible participating professionals upon receipt of the lump sum PSP subsidy from the Government.
The completed application form, individual request forms and supporting documents shall be sent to the PASS Secretariat in person, by post or electronically. If the application is submitted electronically, the Applicant should digitally sign the application form with a recognised organisational digital certificate* of the authorised person of the Applicant’s organisation in accordance with the requirements of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553). The accompanied request forms and supporting documents should be digitally signed by the respective participating professionals with their recognised personal digital certificates* in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553). The Applicant should send the digitally signed application form, individual request forms and supporting documents to
For information on digital certificates recognised by the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553), please visit the website of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.
*If organisational or personal digital certificates are not available, the Applicant may still submit the application by email, but the Applicant must subsequently provide the original copies of the duly completed and signed application form, individual request forms and supporting documents to the PASS Secretariat.