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Project Details

Project Reference : PS173005
Project Title : Promote Land Surveying Technological Services to Belt and Road Countries – Mainland China, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka
Grantee : The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Major Beneficiary
Building and construction-related services
Grant Approved : HK$1,739,000
Project Deliverables :
  1. Four exhibitions on land surveying services in the Mainland China, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka and visits to relevant organisations in these countries
  2. Four translations/summaries on surveying laws and regulations of the Mainland China, Pakistan and Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka
  3. One conference on land surveying technology in Hong Kong
  4. Three workshops on technology transfer and surveying industry information in Hong Kong
Project Duration : 69 Months
Commencement Date : 01/04/2018
Completion Date : 31/12/2023